
Happy Teachers, Happy Students


With the teaching profession, one must have a heart large enough to contain thousands of young hearts, have enough ability and knowledge to help children fly far and high, and also be concerned about their life path, happy when they succeed and heartbroken when they fail.

My Profession is Teaching

Mr. Nguyen Ba Luong (Geography Teacher, Homeroom Teacher of class 9C1, Cambridge International System, Greenfield School) has had 11 years of experience in the field of education. In addition to his teaching career, he has also been participating in teaching in educational organizations at the Life Skills Education - Personal Development Center, and is an active member of teacher communities... The 2021-2022 school year is Mr. Luong's 3rd year of dedicated work at Greenfield School.

Although his time at the school has not been long, he has received a lot of love from his students. "One memory I remember most is at the gratitude ceremony on Vietnam Teachers' Day 20/11 in the 2020-2021 school year, in the introduction part, the teachers will take turns going on stage and waving to their students. When my Social Studies team passed by, the students cheered below and called my name "Teacher Luong", even one student stood up and ran to high-five with me. The feeling at that time was indescribable, both surprised and happy. This teaching profession, sometimes only needs such simple joys." - He shared with a smile.

For him, for learning to become harmonious and natural, there are 2 criteria: feeling vui and loving learning, effective learning is learning according to needs and goals. Therefore, there is a need for appropriate teaching methods, creating inspiration for students to receive knowledge in the most natural and active way.

"In my lessons, instead of checking old lessons at the beginning of the hour, I often organize learning games to start the lesson, connecting the lesson easily. In addition, project-based learning and seminars are also forms that Greenfield students are extremely excited about. In the coming time, I will continue to implement more experiential activities connecting students with their living space such as: activities to find directions, find their way or mind maps,..."

The teaching profession, a profession that is most respected in all professions, is so noble but also comes with many hardships and ups and downs.

"There were times when I felt pressure, fatigue and wanted to give up. But then at the present time, I realized that this is the job that brings me the most happy emotions, is something I can do and contribute the most. My profession is a teacher."

Accompanying and Believing

In 11 years gắn bó with the career of chalk and blackboard, Mr. Luong has guided many generations of students to grow up. With each generation of students, perhaps the school is the place that marks a time of vibrant, impulsive youth full of love and aspirations.

"Students of any era are the same, there will always be transitional stages to overcome, transitions in the learning environment and transitions in tâm - sinh lý. As a teacher, I don't do it for the children, I will accompany them, together with them to build the most suitable goals with their strengths, passions and social context.

Therefore, I want students to understand and believe in their own decisions. To do that, it is necessary to give them trust and the right time to empower them. Setting their own goals, making action plans and taking responsibility will help them have valuable experiences, form necessary and important life skills. Whether the results are successful or failed, they all give them meaningful lessons.

I Choose to be a Happy Teacher

"I believe I can be a happy teacher and I am doing this job with that belief. For me, a happy teacher, first of all, must have a love for the profession and love for children.

Happy teachers always have a positive energy. They have the strength from within to overcome pressures and leave it outside the classroom door. When entering the class, they will connect with students with love and a desire to conquer knowledge.

They are confident in themselves and thanks to that, they also know how to believe and love their students, be tolerant of them. They know how to step back, stand behind their students to lift them up instead of imposing, overwhelming, or criticizing them..."

Not only love, with Mr. Luong, what is indispensable in a teacher of the 4.0 era is the spirit of self-learning and creativity. "We constantly learn, cultivate ourselves, improve our skills to bring students the most quintessential knowledge values."

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